"What causes mental illness?" („Što uzrokuje mentalne bolesti?“) - Voditelji: Nick Bradshaw, Bobana Samardžija, Giovanna Dashi (na engleskom jeziku)

Datum i vrijeme:
utorak 9.4.2019., 13:00 - 18:00

Mjesto održavanja:
Otvoreni dan Sveučilišnih odjela

Vrsta događanja:

7., 8. razred osnovne škole, srednja škola, opća populacija

Lokacija (prostorija):


Mental illnesses are devastating conditions of the brain that and are among the biggest causes of
disability in Croatia and worldwide. While some of the most severe mental illness, such as
schizophrenia, effect less than 1% of the population, others such as depression affect 10-15% of
people at some stage during their lifetime. There is therefore a huge need to understand better the
biology behind these conditions, so that we can work towards better diagnosis and treatment of
patients. We investigate the role of specific genes and proteins in these conditions, through looking
at their effect on human cells. We will explain the ideas behind this work, as well as demonstrate
the type of experiments we perform.


A native of the United Kingdom, Nick Bradshaw studied Biology and Physics at Durham
University (England) in 2005, before moving to the University of Edinburgh (Scotland) for his
doctoral studies. There, Nick began working on several genes and proteins that had been implicated
in schizophrenia. This became a major interest for him, and ever since he has been studying
biological events that lead to the development of major mental illnesses in patients. This included
five years working at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf (Germany), before he moved to
Rijeka in 2017, in order to teach and to continue his research within in the Department of
Bobana Samardžija holds an undergraduate degree in the field of Biotechnology and Drug
Research, while being enrolled at the moment in graduate programme Drug research and
development at University of Rijeka. At the moment, she is doing research about correlation of
aggregation of proteins and mental illnesses. In her free time, Bobana is passionate about
volunteering on sport's and humanitarian projects.
Giovanna Dashi is a third year student at the undergraduate program Biotechnology and Drug
Research on the Department of Biotechnology. As a part of her final thesis she is currently working
on a research project in the field of protein aggregation in mental illness under the mentorship of
doc.dr.sc Nick Bradshaw.
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