Bionik on the beach – discovering nature's genius,
Claudia Kruschel

Datum i vrijeme:
srijeda 12.5.2021., 14:00 - 17:00

Mjesto održavanja:
Plaža Borik, Zadar

Vrsta događanja:

srednja škola, studenti


Why bionic? 
Bionic is a method to make the transition towards sustainable human-supporting economies.  Bionic recognizes the form and function of organismal adaptations and transfers the knowledge into human inventions. Adaptations will be discussed as the outcome of evolutionary processes of optimization within a dynamic equilibrium.  

What is the goal? 
We discover various organisms in the intertidal zone of Puntamika beach. We will study structures and the functions as potential models to inspire new inventions in human technology and everyday life. Students can continue their new interest in UNIZD bionic-courses (Department of Ecology, agronomy and aquaculture) which offer guest participation. 

What is the outcome of the activity? 
We will finalize the walk with a small design-exercise working in smaller groups using the bionic design method. Students will develop an idea for a human application based on an intertidal organism or material and present their idea to the others.


Claudia Kruschel je profesorica na Odjelu za ekologiju, agronomiju i akvakulturu Sveučilišta u Zadru.